Dear Resident,
Here’s my report for you, my employer, to look at what I’ve done in 2017/18. Some of the highlights:
- A surprise general election –with huge thanks to Gloucester for re-electing me for a third time and with over 50% of the vote.
- A drive on animal rights and environmental issues including protecting bees from harmful pesticides, puppies and elephants from the ivory trade.
- Elected to the Brexit Select Committee, re-appointed as Trade Envoy, and getting changes to the responsibilities of Driving Instructors.
- Co-Chairing influential joint Select Committee report on Supported Housing, actioned by government.
- Chairing new Gloucester History Trust charity to take our Gloucester History Festival forward
- Helping secure the funding for our train station including the underpass and an extra car park.
- Part of the campaign that secured extra funding for Gloucester schools (first ever fair national formula)
- Joining over 70 local events including the Tamil, Malayali and Muslim led activities, social housing sites, organising sports group and homeless meeting, playing cricket for Gloucester CWCC, organising litter picking and volunteering with NHS.
- Leading a joint vision statement with the Glos City Homes and Councils for Estate Regeneration in Matson and Podsmead after securing £1.25m
- Record low unemployment figures nationally and in Gloucester
All of these are just examples of work by local charities, councillors, officers, volunteers, residents and communities working together to keep Gloucester on the up. More details and local news can be found on my newly launched website at
Best regards